Everything about the S6 is conducive to a faster mixing process.

With the S6, you have direct access to things that are almost at a settings level in Pro Tools.

The S6 gives you more control over Pro Tools – the ICON’s a great piece of kit, but it’s fairly limited in terms of what you can achieve with Pro Tools. Product expert at Jigsaw24 Saxon Greenep adds. Take control of Pro Tools, Logic Pro X, Cubase, Nuendo, and other DAWs simultaneously.Mix faster and more intuitively with full touchscreen control, custom layouts, and programmable soft keys.Customise and scale the modular surface for your mixing preferences and needs.Experience the most efficient hands-on Dolby Atmos mixing workflows in the industry.Get better visual feedback with extensive metering, scrolling waveforms, and more.
Other reasons to consider the upgrade on an Avid S6 are. So perhaps the most compelling reason to make the switch is that, should something go wrong with your ICON setup after August, getting back up and running to deliver that critical project on time will become a lot more difficult. While Avid say that future versions of Pro Tools will still work with ICON for the foreseeable future, they do not plan on adding new features or functionality to the family, and any new issues that arise may not be addressed. Why Should I Upgrade My Icon To An Avid S6? This means that you will no longer be able to get technical support for these consoles, and there will be no reliable Avid stock of replacement parts if something fails on your D-Command or D-Control. The black-faced D-Command ES Fader, D-Command ES Main, D-Control ES Fader, D-Control ES Main and D-Control ES Surround Panner all pass their End Of Support dates on 30th August 2018.